5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED blends quality and innovation. Our company is forward-thinking and committed to making a big impact on the world through our extensive range of services and goods.
Based in Trading Activities, 5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED is a non-governmental organization with ₹ 100000.00 in paid up capital and ₹ 1000000.00 in allowed capital. On 06-05-2022, it was incorporated. U55101MH2022PTC382145 is 5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED 's CIN (Corporate Identification Number).
It was incorporated in the state of Maharashtra and is currently found in the subcategory of Private, listed as an Active firm. The registered office address of 5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED is FLAT 902, BLD NO. 3, SECTOR 54, 56, 58PH-1, NRI, NERUL, NAVI MUMBAI.
This company's registrar is RoC-Mumbai. The most recent financial statement year and annual return for 5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED were not available.
5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 06-05-2022, and has since grown from a tiny startup to a well-known company worldwide. Determination, enthusiasm, and an unending commitment to pushing boundaries have been hallmarks of our path. We have used our knowledge and inventiveness to effect revolutionary change in a number of different industries over the years.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of 5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED is U55101MH2022PTC382145
The 5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED is incorporated on 06-05-2022.
The 5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED has been registered in Private Class
5TH SENSE TECHVENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED is registerd for doing Trading Activities works.
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06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | Flat 101 Sushil Apartment CTS 122 5A 4BP No 87 4A Prabhat Road Erandwana
On 06-05-2022, MVM CLUB PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about MVM CLUB PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | HOUSE NO 4257/1, HOTEL BLUE DIAMAND BAR,AT MOUDA, P O MOUDA,
On 06-05-2022, MAUDA URBAN NIDHI LIMITED was founded as a Public. This page contains all of the information about MAUDA URBAN NIDHI LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | SHOP NO. 10, TULIP 'C', KKA LIFESTYLE
On 06-05-2022, AVSG SOLUTIONS (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private(One Person Company). This page contains all of the information about AVSG SOLUTIONS (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | SR. NO. 5228, FLAT NO. 501,VASUKAMAL SOLIETOR APARTMENT,
On 06-05-2022, SONALITE INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about SONALITE INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | C/O SHIVAJI SITARAM PHATE, HNO 90MANJARI MANJARI 413307
On 06-05-2022, DHUDHDHARA FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about DHUDHDHARA FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | D302, NEELSAGAR, SAHAKARI MHADA COLONY,NAVGHAR ROAD, MULUND EAST
On 06-05-2022, HONEY ENGINEERING SERVICE PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about HONEY ENGINEERING SERVICE PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | A-10/03, Saptasrungi Society,Sector-15, Airoli, Navi Mumbai,
On 06-05-2022, 3D ZONE DESIGN SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about 3D ZONE DESIGN SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | Flat A 201, Daliya M S Enkay,Castle Wavanje, Panvel,
On 06-05-2022, GUARDIAN DOORS AND AUTOMATION PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about GUARDIAN DOORS AND AUTOMATION PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 602, Rainbow Plaza, PlotNo.CTS 302, LBSRd, Nxt To Mahavir Petrol Pump, Kurla W
On 06-05-2022, ANZOX ENGINEERING PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about ANZOX ENGINEERING PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 4, CHITTEPIMPALGAON
On 06-05-2022, GREEN MANGO FARMER PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about GREEN MANGO FARMER PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 283, OFF. NO. 80, PRESTIGE POINT,SHUKRAWAR PETH
On 06-05-2022, FENIKS INVESTO PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about FENIKS INVESTO PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 02ND FLOOR, SHOP NO 2083, 205, NATHANIHEIGHTS, OPP MUMBAI CENTRAL STATION,
On 06-05-2022, URBAN AUDIO INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about URBAN AUDIO INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 32, Floor-4, Plot 128-A, Eastern ChamberPoona Street, Dana Bunder, Chinchbunder
On 06-05-2022, TRANSCO LOGISTIX WORLDWIDE PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about TRANSCO LOGISTIX WORLDWIDE PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 101, Shree Vithal,Niwas Guru Mandir road, Saraswat Col,
On 06-05-2022, CODEMO TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about CODEMO TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | Room No 601, 6th Floor, PanchasheelCo Op Hsg. Society Bldg No 3 B Wing
On 06-05-2022, HOSPITY HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about HOSPITY HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | RENUKA ROW HOUSE NO 3, PLOT NO 95/96/97S NO 297, NR VIKRIKAR BHAVAN, PATHARDI
On 06-05-2022, ROHDEEP LAND DEVELOPERS PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about ROHDEEP LAND DEVELOPERS PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | Fl. 12, Bldg-C-3, Pl-2/1, Dnyanganga,SN-41/A (PART), Wadgaon Bk
On 06-05-2022, SYNOVED SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about SYNOVED SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | C NO 1799, G15 JSPTAL SHIROL
On 06-05-2022, MUJAWAR IMPORT & EXPORTS PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about MUJAWAR IMPORT & EXPORTS PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 15, Dr. Subramaniam Nagar, D'Mello CompdVakola Bridge, Santacruz East
On 06-05-2022, GOLD CARS PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about GOLD CARS PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | HOUSE NO. 267, BANKAT SWAMI GALLI, BEEDROAD, TQ BEED, DIST BEED
On 06-05-2022, KRISHISHASAN FARMER PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about KRISHISHASAN FARMER PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 6th Flr, 610, CTS 343, Kachpada, Rd No.2Nr Malad Industries Estate, Malad (West)
On 06-05-2022, ANANTVA ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about ANANTVA ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | Flat No.402, Wing E, Vasant FionaNear Jupiter Hospital, E. E. Highway
On 06-05-2022, SOLGRID POWER SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about SOLGRID POWER SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | UNIT NO. 9 1ST FLR, MIDC, ANDHERI (EAST)SAMRUDDHI VENTURE PARK,
On 06-05-2022, CYMETRIX INFOTECH PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about CYMETRIX INFOTECH PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 1ST FLOOR, KUMAR OFFICE, 2413,EAST STREET, CAMP,
On 06-05-2022, KUMAR PROPERTIES LIFESPACES PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about KUMAR PROPERTIES LIFESPACES PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | H.NO.2104, JADHAV COMPKOPARGOAN
On 06-05-2022, DAILYCARE INDIA MARKETING (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private(One Person Company). This page contains all of the information about DAILYCARE INDIA MARKETING (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | OFFICE NO. 307,308, NEXT LEVEL MALL,1ST FLOOR, CAMP ROAD,
On 06-05-2022, AITAP CAREER SOLUTIONS (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private(One Person Company). This page contains all of the information about AITAP CAREER SOLUTIONS (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | RIDDHI SIDDHI APP., ROOM NO. 4,HOUSE NO. 338, SHIRVANE
On 06-05-2022, FISCHER MARINE AND OFFSHORE PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about FISCHER MARINE AND OFFSHORE PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | A/1168, H No 182/4, Room No 1, InamdarWada, Gaothan
On 06-05-2022, ALWAAN TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about ALWAAN TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED .
View Information06-05-2022 | Maharashtra | 20/BWING, G-2 BLDG, G-SECTOR,JESAL PARK, BHAYANDER EAST
On 06-05-2022, TAXALONE CHEMICALS PRIVIATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about TAXALONE CHEMICALS PRIVIATE LIMITED .
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