DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED blends quality and innovation. Our company is forward-thinking and committed to making a big impact on the world through our extensive range of services and goods.
Based in Business Services Activities, DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a non-governmental organization with ₹ 50000.00 in paid up capital and ₹ 1000000.00 in allowed capital. On 01-02-2022, it was incorporated. U72900AP2022PTC120691 is DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED's CIN (Corporate Identification Number).
It was incorporated in the state of Andhra Pradesh and is currently found in the subcategory of Private, listed as an Active firm. The registered office address of DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is D.No.1-188/1/A,SESHADRI NILAYAM,SAPTHAGIRI NAGAR,SUJATHA NAGAR POST.
This company's registrar is RoC-Vijayawada. The most recent financial statement year and annual return for DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED were not available.
DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 01-02-2022, and has since grown from a tiny startup to a well-known company worldwide. Determination, enthusiasm, and an unending commitment to pushing boundaries have been hallmarks of our path. We have used our knowledge and inventiveness to effect revolutionary change in a number of different industries over the years.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is U72900AP2022PTC120691
The DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is incorporated on 01-02-2022.
The DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED has been registered in Private Class
DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is registerd for doing Business Services Activities works.
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01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | PLOT NO.3,4&5 , CBM COMPOUNDVIP ROAD , SIRIPURAM
On 01-02-2022, ROOFTOP PLAY ARENA PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about ROOFTOP PLAY ARENA PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | H NO 7-4-97-1 ELURU ROADNEAR RDO OFFICE
On 01-02-2022, V HYPER BAZAR PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about V HYPER BAZAR PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | F.NO.403, AR HOMES, LOTUS BLOCK,KAZA, MANGALAGIRI
On 01-02-2022, SCRIPT THE CLOUD (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private(One Person Company). This page contains all of the information about SCRIPT THE CLOUD (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED.
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On 01-02-2022, FRONTLINES EDUTECH PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about FRONTLINES EDUTECH PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | 40-9/1-30, SWETCHA PLAZA,VASAVYA NAGAR, BENZ CIRCLE
On 01-02-2022, DUHITA INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about DUHITA INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | FLAT # 201, BRUNDAVAN RESIDANCYAZAD NAGAR KLD ROAD
On 01-02-2022, CLEARPROPERTY ZONE INFRA DEVELOPERS was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about CLEARPROPERTY ZONE INFRA DEVELOPERS.
View Information01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | D.No.1-188/1/A,SESHADRI NILAYAM,SAPTHAGIRI NAGAR,SUJATHA NAGAR POST
On 01-02-2022, DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about DATAGILE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | 28-83-2/10KOTHA PET
On 01-02-2022, STUDY COMRADE PRIVATE LIMITED was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about STUDY COMRADE PRIVATE LIMITED.
View Information01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | 362/4-543, JAGANNADHAPURAM VILLAGERENTIKOTA POST, PALASA MANDALAM
On 01-02-2022, KALINGA INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about KALINGA INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION.
View Information01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | DOOR NO. 5-48,TUNGAPADU, ROMPICHERLA
On 01-02-2022, RUDRA RESOURCES AND RECYCLING PRIVATE was founded as a Private. This page contains all of the information about RUDRA RESOURCES AND RECYCLING PRIVATE.
View Information01-02-2022 | Andhra Pradesh | C 3553 , Barnala Veedhi,veeraghattam
On 01-02-2022, GROW AWE TECHNOLOGY (OPC) PRIVATE was founded as a Private(One Person Company). This page contains all of the information about GROW AWE TECHNOLOGY (OPC) PRIVATE.
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